Kisan Vidya Prasarak Sanstha’s

Karmaveer Vyankatrao Randheer Arts, Science, Commerce College, Boradi


The College Auditorium - Karmaveer Dalan

The College is decorated with a multi-functional 300 seating capacity Auditorium Hall named as Karmaveer Dalan. The Karmaveer Dalan name given to this hall as the tribute to Great Freedom Fighter, Gandhian Patriotic Karmveer Vyankatrao Tanaji Randhir. He known the pains and patience of common human with educational foresight and real concern for the welfare of tribal and rural students.

The Hall which serves as a common platform for conducting workshops/ Conference/ seminars/ talks/ guest lectures at all levels. The faculty and students can have access to regional, national and international experts for academic discussions at hand.

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